
Showing posts from March, 2021


 I cried today.  I haven't cried too much during the last year. Lost my temper, yes. Ate my feeling, yes. Put way too much pressure on my daily walk to be my only coping mechanism,  absolutely.  But I haven't really cried.  We haven't suffered too much. Matt still has his job. We are healthy. We haven't lost anyone. We're back at Mass. It's okay.  But today I cried. We withdrew our son from one of his activities at least until he can go back to in person, and we have no idea when that will be. The school did everything they could, the teacher was great, but an anxious kid who can't read the computer screen can only handle so many months of virtual lessons in his living room. It was just too much.  And that really, really got to me. Not only was he losing the thing that he loved, the thing that defined him and our family, but it. was. my. last. straw.  I made it until I got him to bed. And then I freaking lost it. I just sobbed and sobbed over the loss of th